When the seller decides to follow an auction process in mergers and acquisitions (M&A), it is pivotal to structure the auction appropriately. Auctions facilitate competitive bidding, helping sellers maximize value for their business. In this article, I will share the most common types of auction processes used in M&A transactions, the advantages and disadvantages of each, and the factors to consider when deciding which approach to take.
A broad auction is an M&A process where multiple potential buyers are invited to participate in bidding for the target company. This process typically starts with a large pool of potential buyers who are provided with an information memorandum. After expressing their interest, the pool is narrowed down through multiple bidding rounds until a winning bidder is selected.
In a targeted auction, a select group of potential buyers is invited to participate in the bidding process. These buyers are typically chosen based on their strategic fit, financial capacity, and likelihood of closing a deal. The process often involves fewer bidding rounds than a broad auction.
A two-stage auction is a hybrid approach that combines elements of both broad and targeted auctions. The process begins with a broad auction, and after the initial round of bids, a smaller group of bidders is invited to participate in a targeted auction.
I nearly always prefer a two-stage auction. Even a two stage auction can be targeted in the first phase to deal with confidentiality, and it is the job of a good advisor to manage the additional complexities and time needed for a two-stage auction.
Other factors that need to be considered in how to structure the auction include:
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